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Why Weight Loss Surgery May NOT Be The Answer.

Updated: Mar 8

Weight loss surgery, also known as bariatric surgery, can be an effective tool for significant weight loss in individuals who are obese. However, it's important to understand that weight loss surgery does not directly address the underlying psychological and emotional factors that contribute to eating disorders.

Here is why weight loss surgery may not necessarily rid a person of an eating disorder and why weight gain might return:

1. Psychological factors: Eating disorders are complex mental health conditions

characterized by unhealthy attitudes and behaviours related to food, body image, and self- esteem. These conditions often have deep-seated psychological roots, and surgery alone does not address these issues. Even after significant weight loss through surgery, individuals with eating disorders may still struggle with the emotional and psychological aspects of their relationship with food.

2. Transfer of addiction: Some individuals with eating disorders may transfer their addictive behaviours from overeating to other forms of disordered eating or addictive behaviours (e.g., binge eating, restrictive eating, or excessive exercise) after weight loss surgery. This can lead to a return of unhealthy eating patterns and potentially weight regain.

3. Unrealistic expectations: People who undergo weight loss surgery may have unrealistic

expectations about how their lives will change after the procedure. They may believe that surgery will automatically solve all their problems, including their body image and self-esteem issues. When these expectations are not met, it can lead to disappointment and emotional distress, potentially triggering a return to unhealthy eating habits.

4. Lack of comprehensive support: Successful management of eating disorders often

requires a multidisciplinary approach that includes therapy, counselling, nutritional

guidance, and support from mental health professionals. While weight loss surgery may

include some elements of this support, it is not a substitute for comprehensive treatment

specifically tailored to the individual eating disorder.

5. Physical changes: Weight loss surgery can result in physical changes that affect the body metabolism and hunger signals. Depending on the type of surgery (e.g., gastric bypass, sleeve gastrectomy), the body may absorb fewer nutrients, and appetite-regulating hormones may be altered. These physical changes can impact eating behaviours and may contribute to weight regain if the underlying psychological issues are not addressed.

6. Environmental factors: Eating disorders can also be influenced by environmental factors such as stress, trauma, and social pressures. These factors can persist after weight loss surgery and may contribute to the recurrence of disordered eating behaviours. In summary, weight loss surgery is a valuable tool for achieving significant weight loss, but it should be viewed as part of a comprehensive approach to addressing obesity and related health issues. Individuals with eating disorders should receive ongoing psychological support and therapy to address the root causes of their condition and learn healthy coping mechanisms. Without this holistic approach, weight regain and the persistence of disordered eating behaviours are possible even after surgery.

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