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How Your Relationship With Food is The Reflection of Your Relationship With Money.


More often than not people HATE talking about money, it makes them feel uncomfortable, or embarrassed… but did you know that it’s likely that your patterns of behaviour with money reflects your relationship with food?

When it comes to money, can you relate to any of these behaviours?

  • You spend too much around payday and find yourself restricting your spending for the rest of the month?

  • Do you spend money on things you don’t need?

  • Maybe you turn a blind eye, and you’re not aware of what goes on with your finances, maybe only looking at your bank statements when you absolutely must.

  • Perhaps you’re an all or nothing kind of person, where you often set yourself a budget most of the time, but you tend to mindlessly buy things.

  • Maybe you feel guilt or shame around your spending habits and hide it from your family and friends.

  • You ‘save’ everything you have and spend it all on something expensive and start again.

  • Maybe you buy things that you don’t need when you’re feeling stressed, anxious, or sad.

  • Maybe you are extremely strict with your finances, writing down where you spent every last pound?

These are common patterns of behaviour when it comes to money, and you have likely experienced all of them at some point in your life, but is one really standing out to you?

If the answer is yes, the chances are this also reflections your relationship with food.

For example:

You spend too much around payday and find yourself restricting your spending for the rest of the month

  • You may have a tendency to binge eat or binge drink and then restrict your food intake for the days following

Buy things that you don’t need when you’re feeling stressed, anxious, or sad.

  • Using food as a way to either provide comfort or distract you from uncomfortable emotions.

Maybe you turn a blind eye, and you’re not aware of what goes on with your finances, maybe only looking at your bank statements when you absolutely must.

  • Not being mindful of your eating behaviours thinking everything is fine, getting to a certain point and you being to diet for a while… then the cycle starts again.

Maybe you are extremely strict with your finances, writing down where you spent every last pound?

  • This could reflect on your eating behaviours where you find it easy to track your calories down to the singular number and fit your food around the calorie limit that you have set for yourself.

These are just a few examples how your relationship with money can mirror your relationship with food. It is important to recognise your patterns of behaviour so that you can break the cycle and begin to heal parts of you.

I go much more into this in my 1:1 client session, so if you want to explore your patterns of behaviour you can start your journey with me by clicking here.

The good thing is, when it comes to our relationship with money and food, the way to become more balanced with each is the same kind of approach. I can help you become more self-aware and intentional with how you are around both money and food to help you reach your goals… and even if you don’t have goals yet, that’s ok we can explore what those goals may look like.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this. Do you see the similarity between your relationships with food and money?

Elle x

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